Theory and History of Education International Research Group

Coordinator: Rosa Bruno-Jofré
Assistant to the Coordinator: Jon Igelmo Zaldivar

Rosa Bruno-Jofré, Licenciada en Historia (Universidad del Sur, Argentina), Profesora de Historia (Universidad del Sur), Ph.D. (University of Calgary)  (Professor and former dean of the Faculty of Education, Queen’s University between 2000-and 2010) ), is the founder and coordinator of the Theory and History of Education International Research Group, which formed in Winter 2007. The initial Group was comprised of James Scott Johnston (Associate Professor, jointly appointed in the Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Arts and Faculty of Education, Memorial University; formerly at Queen’s) who left the Group in 2016; Daniel Tröhler (Head of Languages, Culture, Media and Identities (LCMI), University of Luxembourg; formerly Director, Pestalozzianum Institute and currently at the University of Luxembourg); and Gonzalo Jover (Department of History and Theory of Education, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, coordinator of the Doctoral Program at the Faculty of Education). Cristián Cox (a professor at the Universidad Diego Portales, Santiago, Chile; former dean of the Faculty of Education, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile; former head of the Centre of Educational Research and Innovation Project, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago; formerly of the Curriculum and Evaluation Unit of the Ministry of Education of Chile) joined the research group in 2008. The members of the Group now include in addition to the colleagues mentioned above, Christopher Beeman (University of Brandon); Jon Igelmo Zaldívar (Queen’s University and Deusto University); Carlos Martínez Valle (Universidad Complutense de Madrid);  Heidi MacDonald (University of Lethbridge); Maria Eugenia Merino Dickinson (Fray Bartolomé de las Casas Chair, Universidad Católica de Temuco); William Pinar (University of British Columbia); Samuel Rocha (University of British Columbia); Elizabeth Smyth (Vice-Dean, School of Graduate Studies, University of Toronto); and Sol Serrano, Vice-Rector Research, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile,Ana Jofré ( Ontario College of Art and Design, OCAD University); Josh Cole, (Ph.D. Department of History, Queen’s), Joe Stafford (Ph.D. candidate, Faculty of Education, Queen’s University, and Ina Ghita (M.Ed. student, Faculty of Education, Queen’s University).

The group aims at sharing research, engaging in collaborative scholarly work, generating academic exchanges or symposia, editing Encounters in Theory and History of Education / Rencontres en Théorie et Histoire de l’Éducation (a well-established and indexed trilingual monograph series, founded in 2000), and producing scholarly work in various languages related to History and Educational Theory .. Specifically, the goals of the research group are to:

  • Conduct interdisciplinary research in History and Philosophy of Education
  • Encourage interdisciplinary dialogue
  • Participate in public discourse on issues pertaining to our research
  • Promote collaboration with other research groups in our respective countries